HNY means Happy New Year

January 5, 2005

This is something bordering awesome:  out of the Top Ten Shows of 2004 in Gainesville, only one was held at a house party (read:  ours).  (Here's an article screenshot, just in case.)  We, Pissing on Susie, and The Boy and the Knife were mentioned.  And, oh yeah those kids in Select Start too.

(Hmmm...maybe we should just play house parties from now on, eh?)

I realize that I'm almost a week late in saying this, but HNY everybody!  I just got back from Florida after being held captive by my relatives.  But not held tightly enough apparently as I, Peter, Craig, and special guest vocalists The Ridicules were able to squeeze in some quality recording time with Rob after Xmas.  The majority of recording and mixing I'd say is done.

On top of the album release, there are a couple of new adventures planned for this new year of 2005.  One involves some sketches, and another involves a DVR.  The former is more likely to be realized than the latter, but in any case, keep visiting this site for updates and to see if either will come to fruition.

-George Ryan
