How to spend your Labor Day Weekend
September 3, 2003
We are confirmed for this Friday's (Sept 5th) Rock 104's Rock Solid Showcase with One Pump Chump and Jacksonville's Whole Wheat Bread @ Eddie C's! We're playing first, so come early (~8-ish) and check it out. No seriously, check it out.
Being a fan of OPC ever since Craig was sprayed by Condom Man during their set, I'm pretty damn excited. I've never seen WWB but it has been said by friendster Jonnie that they are "going to blow up big." Go, go see them before they become famous.
[Update: Whole Wheat Bread has dropped out of the show and are being replaced by Neptune 66!]
K, this newspost was meant to summarize my insane 18-hour trip from Houston to South Florida and the events surrounding it, but I'm still reeling from the drive and the bee stings and the lack of sleep so maybe I'll just post later on. For now, enjoy this portal to Peter's postwar [site now defunct].
Almost forgot to mention, the song "May" was played on the radio in Rock 104's Local's Only Radio Show. Because of this, I'll be watching Adult Swim on Sunday nights with the radio on from now on.
-George Ryan