After the benefit show
June 8, 2008
Wednesday's benefit show was, um...kinda weird? I mean, not that the bands were weird, no, I meant that the atmosphere -- however you want to define it -- was a little different than I was accustomed to. Nevertheless, I wanted to thank you for coming out to see us, The Rochevanies, Max's Birthday, and Rubber Tramps; I think we raised a lot of money for Conscious Alliance that night. Go team us!!
And special thanks and mad propers should rapidly be ClickOnce-deployed to Vilma for setting up the show and for baking the yummy cookies. The same should go to Grooveshark for sponsoring the show, although it's hard to extend that appreciation without the free cookies. (If you have desserts, gratitudes are easy to dispatch.)
I would be remiss in this synopsis if I didn't go over how we did on our previous TODO list. Being remiss sucks! And we should know: we have a friggin' TODO list! Anyway, we did everything in our previous list except for the sound check, which is typically reserved for the first band. Since we would most likely play first on our next show, I think putting that task at the top of our next TODO list serves as a cool segue, albeit flimsy, into listing them as follows:
- Do a sound check and play a song to test if we can hear each other
- Place the laptop behind the sound board
- Cut down the setup time even more
Speaking of setup time, you can view our entire set -- including our extended setup, set, and equipment breakdown -- by clicking here (set starts at the 31:59 mark).
-George Ryan